experimenta Forum

The Future and You

How can we make the future worth living? In the Forum, you’ll find answers to this question, our interactive sustainability platform as well as a wealth of knowledge and inspiration.

At the interactive stations – from the virtual city of the future to the Filmbox – you can learn about the different aspects of sustainability. Discover shoes made of cactus leather and learn about local heroes in the changing exhibition. In the section “Bessermacher“ (make things better), you can click your way through exciting environmental projects around the world.

Your views and opinions matter at the yellow opinion wall. Share your ideas and find out what other people think about the current focus. You might even be able to inspire each other.


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Opening hours of the Forum

Tuesday to Friday: 1:30 – 5:00 p.m.
Saturday: 2:30 – 6:00 p.m.

Sunday and monday closed

Admission to the Forum is free of charge.

Current focus

Citizen Science: You can do research

Whether collecting rubbish, identifying insects or recording bird calls – everyone can do research. Even you! You can support current research projects with the data you collect with your mobile phone or computer. From January 2024, the forum will be focussing on the topic of citizen science. You can find out which citizen science project suits you best and how you can get started right away. You will also find numerous example projects from Germany and around the world.

Individual Forum Offerings

Science Lounge

The Science Lounge is an interactive exchange in a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere. Lectures on research are presented in a clear and comprehensible way and encourage an exchange on the topic in focus.
Attendees can then discuss over beverages and snacks and talk to the researchers. The current dates can be found on the event calendar.

More information available soon.

Workshops to go

Open workshops are held at regular intervals on Saturdays in front of the forum. Whether you want to make your own beeswax cloths, create paper or make seed balls – everyone can drop by spontaneously and join in. It always starts at 14:30 and ends at 18:00.

The new dates are still being planned. As soon as they are finalised, you will find them here.

Clothes swop

Every two months, the Forum serves as a venue to exchange pieces of clothing that are no longer favorites with great finds from someone else’s wardrobe. Participants can donate up to ten pieces of clothing in good condition – and in turn choose new favorites. The Forum donates anything left over to Aufbaugilde, a social welfare service in Heilbronn. The current dates can be found on the events calendar.

Discover events now

School classes on a mission

School classes can book the Forum exclusively and go “on a mission” on the topic of sustainability. Based on guiding questions, pupils from the 8th grade onwards navigate to the various multimedia stations. This gives them ideas on how to deal with sustainability and reflect on their own actions.

Information and reservations:
Mail: buchung@experimenta.science

The Wild Spaces sustainability festival

The Wild Spaces are the sustainability festival hosted by experimenta in Heilbronn. It takes place every two years (the last was in 2022) and targets everyone over the age of 14 interested in shaping a sustainable future. Workshops, lectures, a sustainability exhibition, arts and culture in a summer festival atmosphere await visit again 2025 at the experimenta square.

More information available soon.

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